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Newfield Conversational Technology™


What are the costs of ineffective communication to your organisation?

Do you want to:

  • Increase your personal performance and leadership effectiveness?

  • Improve the quality of your working relationships?

  • Communicate effectively and positively influence others?

  • Increase your flexibility to effectively deal with conflict, change and growth?

  • Empower employees to perform and create high performance teams?

  • Build a positive working environment that produces superior business results?

You can benefit from the latest powerful breakthroughs in the application of language and communication for individual, team and organisational success.

The Power of Conversations

Work is more than individuals completing tasks. The highly interdependent nature of organisational functions means that work also happens between people. It is not only what people know that counts in everyday work, it is what they do with what they know, which especially includes how they converse and relate with each other.

People are immersed in Conversations in the process of working together, which includes the use of communication technology (phone, fax, email and videoconferencing). A moment’s reflection will reveal that the quality of Conversations has a major bearing on the quality of work. The work that is done (and not done), as well as the generation of new ideas, innovative practices and new business opportunities, are impacted upon by the effectiveness of workplace Conversations.

Two interrelated questions crucial for organisational leaders to continually address are:

  • "Are the conversations in our organisation producing the results we want?"

  • "Do the conversations in our organisation produce value or do they produce waste?"

Conversations as a core business practice

Unfortunately, the pivotal role of Conversations in the functioning and success of organisations has been paid very little attention. What has been missing is the recognition that Conversations constitute a legitimate and crucial area of learning for organisational improvement and business success. It is time for Conversations to be recognised as a core business practice, embedded in organisational practices, processes and culture.

The Essence of Newfield Conversational Technology™

Newfield Institute provides a uniquely powerful methodology called Newfield Conversational Technology™ that quickly enables leaders and managers to experientially understand that Conversations are at the heart of everything they do. The methodology enables organisational personnel to leverage the power of Conversations to enhance the quality of their thinking, group discussion, leadership, decision-making, strategy implementation and business practices and processes.

Language is the fundamental human technology, for it underpins everything humans do. Language is the means by which humans get things done, are creative and generate improvement. As language is the basis of Conversations, it is important to begin to see Conversations as the fundamental human technology that is applied in everyday personal and professional living.

Newfield Conversational Technology™ consists of precise set of tools and powerful models that:

  • Get to the heart of how individuals function in the workplace,

  • Identify the core ingredients of effective Conversations and Relationships,

  • Precisely diagnose the quality of Conversations and Relationships,

  • Enable the application of highly effective strategies to significantly improve business performance through quality Conversations and Relationships.

The technology consists of 8 interrelated elements - all of which are core business practices:

As a practical body of knowledge and skills, Newfield Conversational Technology™ consists of 12 learning areas. The specifics of these learning areas are drawn on to design modules for individual and group learning that match the precise needs and concerns of your organisation (see How we Work With You)

What you will be able to do with Newfield Conversational Technology™

  • Utilise a deeper practical understanding of listening as a powerful communication tool.

  • Become skilful in the art of questioning to bring out the best in others.

  • Utilise specific linguistic tools in your speaking to produce quality outcomes.

  • Utilise different types of conversations to ensure smooth communication and synchronisation of effort.

  • Understand and apply the centrality of commitments as an indispensable feature of organisational work.

  • Build greater accountability and responsibility throughout the organisation.

  • Utilise the power of moods as a deep form of Emotional Intelligence, by managing your own moods and positively influencing the moods of others.

  • Understand and apply four essential components of trust.

  • Constructively utilise non-verbal communication and the language of the body to enhance the quality of your conversations.

  • Diagnose the quality of Working Relationships and pinpoint key areas for improvement.

  • Apply specific conversational strategies to improve the quality of Working Relationships.

  • Recognise and overcome learning blind spots and barriers to learning – in yourself and the organisation.

Premises of Newfield Conversational Technology™

  • Conversation is a core business practice.

  • Business is done through language and Conversations.

  • Conversations and Relationships are the pulse and lifeblood of organisations.

  • An indispensable aspect of organisational work is Conversational Labour.

  • The work of leaders and managers is predominantly conversational and relational.

  • Conversational proficiency is a fundamental professional competence.

  • Conversational mastery develops Collaborative Capital as a distinct form of competitive advantage.*

  • Cultural change and business improvement occurs through shifts in the nature and quality of Conversations.

(* Collaborative Capital – the ability of organisational personnel to cooperate and coordinate actions.)

Supporting Diagnostics

  • Emotional Intelligence (Bar-On EQ-i)

  • EQ Leadership and Coaching Report

  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

  • Team Management Systems (TMS)

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